Security Fence

Keeping the East Coast powered on

Installing security fencing with cameras is a comprehensive solution to enhance the security of a designated area. This advanced system combines physical barriers with cutting-edge surveillance technology to create a robust defense mechanism against potential threats. Here at Emerald Energy, we can work with your security company to make sure everything, from the fence itself to the electric conduit, is installed and secured properly for maximum safety and efficiency.

The installation process begins with the placement of high-quality security fencing (including oversized poles and chain-link fencing) around the perimeter of the desired area. This fencing is designed to be sturdy, durable, and resistant to unauthorized access. It acts as the first line of defense, effectively deterring intruders and preventing unauthorized entry.

Integrated within the security fencing are pan, tilt, and zoom cameras. These cameras are strategically positioned at various points along the fence, providing comprehensive coverage of the entire area. They are equipped with advanced features that allow for remote control and monitoring, ensuring maximum surveillance capabilities.

To complement the cameras, a centralized control system is installed, which allows security personnel to remotely access and control the cameras. This control system can be operated from a control room, providing real-time monitoring and the ability to respond swiftly to any security breaches or suspicious activities.

Additionally, the pan, tilt, and zoom cameras can be integrated with other security systems, such as motion sensors, alarms, or access control systems. This integration ensures a comprehensive security network that can detect, record, and respond to any potential threats effectively. We will work with your security company's engineers to ensure everything is configured and connected properly.

Contact us today to inquire about working with us on your security fencing project.

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